Arts Hub - Comedy Festival Feature

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How to write a comedy show: comedians reveal their secrets

Comedy festival season is in full swing, so we asked a few comedians to share their creative processes and tips for writing comedy.

‘I’m not really a writer so I just think of things on stage, or when I’m driving a car or in everyday conversations. When my manager met me (before I was famous) she used to say, “That’s funny Shaz can I use that?” and eventually she said… “Actually, you should use that.” ‘I’m lazy with remembering and writing things down, so if I have a funny idea (that’s not funny enough for the internet yet) then I text my daughter Shardonnay and she reminds me about it later. That’s how I made the “Perth, The Place To Be Alone (” video… I was texting Shardonnay reasons it’s great to be in a city that no tourists want to go to (Perth); I was just having a giggle and sent her about eight texts in a row. When I got home Shards read them out to the family and we were all rolling around on the floor LOLing so I made it a video. ‘If you want to write a comedy show just do it dolls, people talk about doing things all the time but the difference is the doing. Be the fame you want to see in the world.’

Famous Sharron performs Famous Sharron's Love Match in Perth (27-29 April) ( and Sydney (16-20 May) ( show_id=1863).


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